Archive for the ‘Tiny Toes’ Category

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *P*

Friday, October 2nd, 2009


Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer


Another baby planner has come to an end!  WHAH!  This sweet little girl is such a dollface and I will miss her terribly!  Thankfully mom and dad decided to *stay busy* and plan a sibling!  I absolutely cannot wait for the day to arrive.  It amazes me at how quickly a year goes by!

When you have clients as lovely as her mom and dad… you cannot resist falling in love!



Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *K*

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

 Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer


Little sweet baby girl.  She makes the silliest and fun faces!  Mom would make fish faces and she would just crack up.  I am sooo a serious face kind of person and she just cracked me up with the silly ones.  God Bless little girls!

A special shout out to Christina from for the KILLLLLLER baby petties!  LOVE YA!









Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *L* and *S*

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

 Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer

<cry> It makes me so sad to think that these little monkeys are now almost a year old!  <sigh>  Time flies when you are busy having fun!  Grandma *F* jumped in and made some awesome cakes for their cake smash session and it just made my day when I could see the silly little faces they made in response to the cake! 

Mom and dad had a nice photo done of them as well.  I really think that they make a very fine handsome couple!








Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet baby *M*

Monday, September 14th, 2009

 Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer


Okay so anyone who knows me knows how much I love these babies.  Mom is one of my sweetest and dearest friends and I would just cry if I did not get to hug and kiss the babies.  I missed out on her oldest because we did not know each other then!  But we were pregnant with our kindergartners together and we have shared a lot of smiles and heartaches over the past couple of years!

Tonight I got to hug and kiss Mak for the first time!  I am a firm believer that I don’t have to go to the hospital each time (even though I did with Megs haha) and I know that when mom has rested up she will be over.  Well, we sat and chatted and tried to get Mak into sleeping mode… but she was NOT having it.  haha  We stole a couple, but I am sure I will get to see her again soon!  You better drop her off soon!

At the end of the session I was cradling my sweet little girl and showing my hubby the little peach fuz on her back and booty and well… Mak told him how she felt! bwahahah!  Poor hubby said he thought the baby had exploded.  :o)  This is something we are going to tease her about as she gets older!  After a shirt change and a laugh, I am proud to say hubby was just fine.  I don’t think Cheryl and I have had a laugh like that in a LONG time though.  We NEEDED it!  bwahahahha~!





Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *A*!

Friday, September 11th, 2009

 Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer


This little lady was ALL about the bling and fluff this session!  I think we kinda got away with it because it was an all girl session!!! hahah!  But I reallly feel sorry for daddy because I just don’t know how on earth he is going to say sorry to THIS face when she asks to borrow the car! bwahahaha

Isn’t she just the diva!






Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *A*!

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

 Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa’s Child  and Professional Photographer


Now how can you NOT giggle when you see this little man?  Isn’t he just a doll?  Mom brought in this outfit and I about died!  I mean look at the face!  The hair!  The HAT!  <giggle>

This little chunky monkey is almost as big as his momma!  She must not weigh more than a 100 pounds and here is this little man weighing in at 26 pounds at 9 months!  Can you IMAGINE!?!?!  <sigh>  I just wanna squish him!  hehe


Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *M*

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa Newborn Photographer

Sweet baby *M* … what can I say about her?  I didn’t think I could get ANY sweeter than Master *L* and  later that same day this sweet little angel came into the studio with nothing but sweet soft baby skin and sweet baby smell!  <sigh>  It just makes a girl ache!  I don’t get a lot of baby girls and when this mom called me I almost squeeled with joy!  I got her other daughter for her 1 year birthday and her son who is now in grade school!  Such a great family and such AWESOME kids!  Repeat clients are like family.  I cherish them with all my heart!

Hope you love her sneak peek as much as we did!


Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *L*

Monday, August 31st, 2009

Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa Newborn Photographer

Little *L* came into the world pretty much on schedule and looked up at mom with an adoring look, and mom KNEW she was in love!  This little peanut was the sweetest little newborn I have had in a long time!  The week I shot this little man (that sounds so bad!) I shot FIVE newborns in three days.  It is almost like it is spring time!  I was shocked.  That means these little mommas had to be pregnant during the hot summer!  The poor dears!  I have an August baby so I COMPLETELY understand!

Hope you love his little face as much as we do!  I know his mom and dad could NOT be happier!





Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *E*

Saturday, August 29th, 2009


Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa Newborn Photographer

Ahh…. Little *E*!  The little man did not sleep a WINK during his appointment.  See the little frown in the photo with his big brother?  That is the WARNING light… Lady… I am gonna wake up… you better hurry!

 He kept looking at me like HELLO!  Come photograph me because I am so stinking cute and adorable!  Hahah!  Big brother LOVES his new baby and it TOTALLY shows!  This family is near and dear to my heart because they are just the sweetest ever!

Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!


Hugs and Luvs~Amy

Sneaky Peaky : Meet *M*

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

Amy Jamieson Photography | Maricopa Child Photographer

w!  Look at him!  Can you tell he loves his daddy!?!?!?!  I love this shot and it totally makes my day!  What else can I say?  He has grown up so fast that I just cannot believe how old he looks.  Before I know it he will be in Kindergarten, and then driving!  AHHHHHH!  Time flies when you are handsome and having fun!


Hugs and Luvs~Amy