Hahah… Okay so we had to reschedule this a couple times due to sick kiddos and then missed out on Lucky Gabi coming in because they were up with it the night before!  ACK!  We are praying for the flu to GO AWAY early this year! 

So here are a couple of my fine models just from a couple cute shots from this session.  We are still trying to get caught up and if you notice our blog is updated and our website is still under construction.  But for the first time in two whole glorious years we have updated images and some yummy new things on the site! 

I promise by relaunch date in February we will have it all complete.  I am still trying to get caught up from Christmas.  I can’t believe I shot every single day minus TWO in the month of December!  EEEEEEEEEEKS!  I promise to be caught up soon!

So enjoy some shots of Little *B* and Big *B* in the meantime!img_1457img_1508


7 Responses to “OPK in the HOUUUUUUUSE!”

  1. Christina says:

    I am so bummed I couldn’t come! Brandon is totally crashed out and still sick!! Pictures look fabulous of course!!

  2. Wendy Vohn says:

    I love this!!! They look great….I am so excited….You rock!!!

  3. Amy says:

    Oh you were sorely missed!!!!!!! I am sorry he is sick!!! Oh my! I TOTALLY understand!

  4. Anonymous says:

    The pictures look great!!!! I look forward to seeing more.

  5. Amy says:

    I can’t wait to post more! These are the best sessions EVER! And the girls are sooo lovely. I am grateful we got to meet a new little one today! ahhhhhhhhh I have ALWAYS been a sucker for brunettes!!!!!

  6. Christina says:

    yea brunettes are HOT!!! LOL

  7. Amy says:

    You are silly!!!!!!!

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