Sneaky Peaky : Meet *B*

This little guy is just a doll face.  He is one of those babies you want to squeeze and kiss and blow raspberries all over his belly and then kiss him and squeeze him some more!  When sister came in for her three month session she slept through it and we played with her little  limbs like gumby and she was so precious!  This little guy was awake but so happy and LOVED when mommy grabbed him and squeezed him!

How can you not fall in love with a baby?  <sigh> Bless their little fingers and toes!  What a miracle!  Okay I have like ten million favorites, but these two made the cut!  haha  I love his little face!


Hugs and Luvs~Amy


12 Responses to “Sneaky Peaky : Meet *B*”

  1. Mommy says:

    I love how these pics capture his personality and favorite hobbies . . . putting things in his mouth and scratching his head . . . such a BOY! Thanks for another great session and TONS of fabulous pics of our handsome/happy little man!!!!

  2. Melissa says:

    He is a cutie and such a sweetie! The pictures of him turned out so adorable!!!

  3. Mindy V. says:

    “B” is so adorable. For some reason, I ‘LOVE’ the monkey eatting one! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!

  4. Grandma Dawn says:

    Once again…..FANTASTIC JOB! The pictures really capture his awesome personality. He is such a happy, sweet baby. I love how his eyes just twinkle:O)

  5. Julie says:

    He is so cute!! What great pictures! I love, LOVE the first one! What a sweetie!

  6. Ashley says:

    I love these pictures, this little boy is just precious!!! His outfits are adorable and his expressions were caught flawlessly, the lighting is beautiful. He’s such a doll!

  7. Mary Catherine says:

    These are really great shots. What a perfect capture of his little personality!!

  8. Amanda says:

    I absolutely LOVE the first photo, his face, the monkey’s face, the coloring…just perfect!

  9. Stormy says:

    They look great, as always!

  10. Lisa S. says:

    What a cute monkey eating a monkey.

  11. Grandma Carol says:

    Watch out girls he takes after his dad a real cutie.

  12. Grandma Carol says:

    Who could resist this little guy just like his dad.

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