Sneaky Peaky : Meet *J*

Look at this little stinker!!!!!  Doesn’t she have the most BEAUTIFUL eyes EVER?  Oh my!  Her mom and dad are very lucky that they have such a cutie pie for a daughter!  Well, I GUESS they are pretty stinking cute themselves!!!!  haha  So little *J* comes by it quite naturally!  She is just so tiny, I can’t get over the difference between the two three month olds I had that week!  One was a chunky monkey and this little sweetie face was just a little tiny porcelain doll!

This little sweetie is such a blessing to our business and our home.  She is part of our *other* family!  God Bless little girls and cute little dresses!



Hugs and Luvs~Amy


16 Responses to “Sneaky Peaky : Meet *J*”

  1. Heather Fries says:

    What a beautiful baby girl! Josie looks so cute in those pictures. I can’t wait to see the rest of them. 🙂

  2. Gair Brooks says:

    She is so adorable, I can see both parents in her! She is just so precious, I cannot get over it! :):):) She looks like a joy to photograph!

  3. autumn falk says:

    Baby Josie is absolutly beautiful! These pictures are wonderful as are the previous ones.

  4. Sara McCluskey says:

    Josie is adorable and so photogenic 🙂 I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures!

  5. Amy says:

    Oh my gosh….the pics are too cute!! I can’t believe how blue her eyes are!

  6. Jennie Karoleski says:

    Josie looks so cute!! She has the most beautiful eyes and her outfit is too cute. Keep the pictures coming!

  7. Kelly Gilbert GG says:

    Josie is just so beautiful, these pictures show what a great personality she has and a great smile! I might be a bit partial since she is my first grandaughter!

  8. Aunt Maureen says:

    What a cutie, everytime I see that smile it makes me laugh.

  9. Gretchen Longtin says:

    How stinkin cute! I agree with Sara, how very photogenic!

  10. Grandpa says:

    Hi Kids,

    You must be really proud. She is beautiful.

    Love Grandpa

  11. Brittany says:

    Josie is so cute!!! I cant believe how big she is already getting!!!

  12. Maggie says:

    Josie, Josie, Josie – HOW ROSIE!!! You are way tooooo cute!

  13. Katie Palumbo says:

    Megan and Ronnie- Now I know why Jennie keeps bragging about her beautiful granddaughter. She is precious and sooo strong holding her head up like that!! Enjoy every minute-it all goes so quickly. Love, Katie Palumbo

  14. Ellen Socia says:

    What a beautiful little girl. I knew you two would make beautiful babies. So glad I get to see pictures because you live so far. Can’t wait to meet Josie in person.

  15. Dee Smarrelli says:

    I can see a combination of Meaghan and Ronnie in her beautiful little face. She is absolutely beautiful and I just want to come through this site and give her a big hug. Lots of hugs and kisses, Aunt Dee

  16. Jennie says:

    Josie you are so cute and I miss you so much!! Nonie

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