Sneaky Peaky : Meet *S* and *L*!

Oh my Golly… aren’t these two just too too precious?  I mean hello!  How can you not want to kiss them all over?  I have been really trying hard with my new year’s resolution of NOT posting every single day or two and three times a day!  But I ALMOST lost it with this little pair.  Mom and dad did good!  We got to have Grandma come for the session this time too!

So without further gushing!  Here are S and L.  My newest set of twins!2-for-1img_2255  (Funny thing is?  To get them to smile together at the SAME TIME???? hahahah!  They were BOTH a dream!)


6 Responses to “Sneaky Peaky : Meet *S* and *L*!”

  1. AMY! I just love these two little ones!! Makes me want to have twins…not that mine would ever hold still for pictures or even smile when asked, but I am just in love!

  2. Amy says:

    I know right! Thankfully the family is wonderful and everyone helps out! They are angels!!!!!

  3. jen says:

    they are adorable!

  4. Amy says:

    Thank you! Aren’t they just kissable??? hahah

  5. Amanda says:

    These 2 are so cute! What big, blue eyes!

  6. Amy says:

    I know right??? They have such good genes!!!!!

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