Special Offer! Are you ready!??!?


Okay…. here goes!  I have soo many boy baby planners that I have been telling the parents that I am sad that for the next year my petti skirts, tutus, and frilly girl stuff is NOT going to be used enough!  I told some of my friends that I was FULLY convinced that there are NO pregnant mommies that are expecting girls!  And since I want to win a bet, I am willing to put my AWESOME baby planner on the line!

So…. here are the rules!

The first pregnant momma to contact me carrying a girl will receive my awesome baby planner at absolutely no cost!  This is ONE full year of sessions (maternity, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 month cake smash session with a complimentary 8×10 for each session)!

The second pregnant momma to contact me carrying a girl will receive 25% off my awesome baby planner! 

All you have to do is bring in an ultrasound or some other proof  that you are carrying a girlie girl from the doctor’s office on your first appointment for your maternity photos! 

So if you are NOT pregnant but you know someone who is, you better call them!  Because this offer starts NOW!  I will take emails AND phone calls.  You can email me amy@amyjamieson.com or call us at (520) 568-5999.


Good Luck! And have FUN!!!!

{Must be 18 years or older to participate.  Offer is non transferable and holds no cash value.  Participant will receive 5 custom sessions tailored to their family and one complimentary 8×10 from each session.  Sessions must be completed by the 14th month age of the child.}


Hugs and Luvs~Amy


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